1 How Do the Elite Access Healthcare? - The Battered Black Book

How Do the Elite Access Healthcare?

And What Is Concierge Medicine?

Have you ever wondered the secret to priority, VIP access to the very best doctors and hospitals? If you have visited Los Angeles recently, you’ll know that any international, UHNW client will have a membership for this – to their very own concierge doctor; which is now massively growing in popularity both in and outside of the USA.

Prompt access to healthcare is a top priority for international citizens – who seek the highest quality healthcare wherever they go. In recent years, concierge medicine has grown in popularity because not only is it membership-based (providing exclusivity), it can offer patients 24/7 access to their own personal doctor. Concierge medicine is well established in the US, but many clients now seek concierge doctors in London; which has become a major hub for an UHNW, international clientele.

Understanding Concierge Medicine

Concierge medicine, often known as ‘retainer medicine’, originated in 1996 in the USA and is an advanced healthcare model where patients pay an annual membership fee to register with their private GP or ‘concierge doctor’, in exchange for a much higher level of service and a smaller, exclusive patient list. This type of care delivery model is a more exclusive form of care that involves 24/7 physician access, same-day appointments, and highly personalised, comprehensive care with expedited specialist and hospital access. Concierge doctors are primary care physicians– e.g. General Practitioners/Family Doctors.

Concierge physicians have a limited, exclusive patient list due to being membership; which enables focus on providing highly personalised care, preventative or regenerative medicine, and priority referrals to secondary care practitioners or hospitals. For example, at HealthClic, we have one of the most exclusive patient lists, with a ratio of 50 families only registered with one HealthClic concierge doctor (private G.P.).

Concierge Doctors in London & UK

Since 2015, Concierge Medicine has also emerged in the UK, offering a higher quality healthcare experience which is beyond the traditional UK private sector, which is now overburdened with patients and waiting lists that are simply unsuitable for an UHNW clientele. The first concierge practice which opened in the UK was HealthClic, offering traditional, American-style concierge medicine services to London’s elite, catering to individuals seeking a higher level of attention and personalised healthcare.

Benefits of Concierge Medicine

  1. Personalised Attention: Concierge doctors have a membership therefore significantly smaller patient lists, in order to devote more time and attention to each individual. This individualised approach fosters a strong doctor-patient relationship and enables a deeper understanding of the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and medical goals. At HealthClic, the patient-to-doctor ratio is 50 families to 1 doctor. This is one of the best ratios in the world amongst leading concierge medical practices.
  2. Comprehensive Health Support: Concierge doctors act not only on immediate medical issues but focus on long-term wellness. They provide comprehensive support including lifestyle recommendations, nutritional guidance, exercise programs and stress management techniques to help patients achieve optimal health and well-being.
  3. Precision Medicine: Precision medicine is practised by concierge physicians, more so than any other group of doctors in the world, which is defined as an innovative, tailored medical approach that considers individual genetic, environmental and lifestyle differences to prevent and treat disease. Whole genome sequencing testing (first made famous by Steve Jobs) is something commonly offered by concierge doctors, as it can help them do just this, and allow them to work proactively on their patients’ health based on what their hereditary health risks are.
  4. Expedited, Timely Access to Care: Concierge doctors prioritise rapid access to medical services for their patients by offering same-day appointments, in order to ensure patients receive timely medical attention and need not wait. Some concierge medicine practices, such as HealthClic, offer 24/7 access to their patients along with prompt virtual consultations. Concierge doctors have been ahead of the game in tele-diagnosis for a long time, and this sets them apart, where member patients have direct access to their Concierge Doctors and thus benefit from prompt medical advice.
  5. Longer Appointment Times: Concierge doctors have much longer appointment times compared to traditional private practices. This allows the doctor time to thoroughly explore and discuss the patient’s medical issue and ensures adequate opportunities to discuss the patient’s concerns and questions – whilst also exploring newer, cutting edge treatments in the world.
  6. Coordination of Specialist Care: When you need specialist care, concierge doctors often facilitate expedited referrals to trusted specialists or private hospitals, and coordinate seamless transitions between primary and specialty care, through their connections built over years. This ensures continuity of care and minimises delays in accessing medical services by specialists, and at HealthClic for example, your concierge doctor will often visit with you to your specialist or hospital appointments, in order to provide much needed guidance, advice and support.

Studies on Concierge Medicine

A two-year data analysis by Qliance Medical Management Inc. indicated that their subscription-based membership model actually saved patients 20% in health care costs due to reduced hospitalizations, specialist visits, and other sick care interventions.” – SOURCE

“Similarly, a published study by MDVIP concluded that their subscription-based membership model reduced patient hospitalizations by over 70%. Staying out of the hospital is priceless for us all.” – SOURCE

Considerations for Concierge Medicine

It is important to note that, while concierge medicine is considered the highest calibre of private healthcare you can access, there is a variety of concierge practices available – from $2,000 annual membership to $25,000. Patients who choose concierge doctors should understand the varying membership fees; which can vary depending on the level of services provided, the exclusivity of the patient list, and the experience of the concierge doctor you are registering with.

In Summary

Nevertheless, Concierge Medicine aims to elevate the patient experience and provides a clear choice for those seeking a more personalised healthcare journey with easy access to medical care, above the usual, traditional Harley Street-style GP practices in the U.K. which are now facing a large burden with 1000s of patients on their patient list.

As the demand for personalised medicine and the international community in the U.K. continues to grow, concierge doctors are likely to continue playing a crucial role in the U.K.’s healthcare system, contributing to improved patient satisfaction and outcomes. By bridging the gap between traditional healthcare and tailored medical services, concierge medicine is revolutionising the way UHNW clients experience and engage with healthcare.