What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than by hearing the thoughts and opinions of some of the spectacular female voices from within the BBB community? From women supporting other women to achieve their dreams and shining a light on those who deserve to be seen to carving out an equal and inviting space for future generations, these words are powerful, inspirational and deserve to be heard. International Women’s Day is our moment to reflect on the pioneering women who paved the way, take stock of where we are today, and look ahead to the future we strive to reach…
“Being a woman in business and life these days is absolutely wonderful as we are at the cusp of seeing real change for the better with regards to how women are perceived and treated in every sphere of life. We need to embrace our remarkable feminine energy and power, standing together as women and also with men, recognising their struggles too, moving forward together into a new era of mutual respect and conscious power, making the world a more equal and better place for all.” – Linda Hugo, Beyond Curated
“The Soke came to be thanks largely to the support of some formidable women who, on hearing of the concept, provided not just moral but also financial support to get it off the ground. Today, about 60% of our investment comes from women and I’m proud to attribute The Soke’s success to the conviction of a group who had no hesitation in putting their money where their mouths were. Long may such women believe in, and give a hand up to, the rest of us.” – Maryam Meddin, The Soke
“Although I tend to be sceptical about these celebratory days, International Women’s Day does give me the opportunity to reflect upon all the wonderful women who touch and have touched my life. To reminisce about women who helped shape my life with wise counsel, colleagues who supported me I them as we navigated male dominated workplaces. Friends who were there for me, and I for them, when we had children, got divorced, faced personal battles. What a truly wonderful bunch of women. I shall raise a glass to you all today.” – Sasha Speed, Financial Coach
“International Women’s Day is an important day to focus on celebrating and cheering each other on. I’m a big believer in collaboration over competition and we should continue to raise each other up. I don’t know who wrote this but I’ve always loved this quote ‘Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.'” – Flip Dewar, Director, Organised Chaos Management
“To quote Michelle Obama ‘there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish’ and today on International Women’s Day this should be celebrated!” – Kirsty Tucker, SORTED Personal Management
“Even though there have been huge steps in recent years to acknowledge and celebrate female artists globally, there is still a long way to go in terms of fully recognising the importance of women in the history of art. I therefore enjoy using International Women’s Day as a chance to promote female artists whose work I love and collect personally, or to spotlight some lesser known female artists from the past. Of course, in addition to this, the day is always a celebration of the wonderful women in my life!” – Sarah Talbot Capes, Talbot Capes Ltd.
“Reflecting on International Women’s Day, I reflect on the most inspiring women, who, with self belief, hard work, sacrifice, sheer determination and dedication have paved the way for myself, and every female, to believe we can do whatever we want to do. I want all women to know that with passion, love, hard work, and self-confidence, we have the power to make our biggest dreams come true.” – Amie True, Harpist
“I would like my daughter and my niece to grow up in a world where they can be powerful and strong, fierce even, without having to compromise their femininity. I’d like to spend this International Women’s Day respecting all men AND women in business. We’re teammates. Let’s do this.” – Naomi Astley Clarke, Luxury London Interior Designer
“We have come a long way, but in a world that is still so biased against women, it’s more than important than ever to stand up. I’m so inspired by the women in my family, they are fearless, strong and beautifully unique. I am proud to be a woman and I hope I can live like them. A quote that’s as relevant now as when it was written, by the iconic Maya Angelou ‘I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass’.” – Alex Popoff, BBB Events & Partnerships
“As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we remain steadfast in our commitment to advocating for talent and creating a modern workplace. Our journey over the past 25 years has been defined by the versatility, intelligence and brilliance of the women who have been part of the PuRe team. As we look to the future, we are committed to building on this legacy, creating an office where all individuals, regardless of gender or background, can thrive and succeed.” – Cara Ward, Co-Founder and Director of PuRe PR
“A time to appreciate the strength of the feminine; her ability to let go of control! To be in the ‘not knowing’ and still she shares her heart. This is true courage and true strength.” – Faye Reason, Energy Worker
“Celebrating International Women’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the progress that has been made towards gender equality and to recognise the achievements of women in every sector. It’s also a reminder of the ongoing work still needed to address imbalances and promote inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of society. Women supporting one another is as crucial now as ever, on our journey towards attaining true equality and empowerment.” – Zoe Hoffman, BBB Health & Wellbeing Host