Membership is by application or personal recommendation. To be considered for Membership, please fill in the application form below. Members' privacy is respected and treated with the utmost discretion. BBB is a private club and all conversations within the app are confidential and direct messaging is fully encrypted.
Membership subscription
Single User Membership:

£500 + VAT per annum

Family / Corporate Membership (up to 3 users):

£1,000 + VAT per annum

Apply For Membership
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I have been using BBB since 2016 and have found it a life saver. It takes me straight to trusted and recommended companies who always deliver to such a high standard, whilst also saving with their fantastic discounts. It is an amazing resource for me and reassuring to have contacts I can rely on.
Natasha A
You guys, this is the dopest list of things ever. Thanks!
Georgia D
Thanks for everything and for making me look so good!
Katie J
You have absolutely smashed it out the park! BBB always pulling through for me ☺
Annabelle R