Can I propose members to the BBB Club?
Yes you can. Membership to the BBB Club is by application or personal recommendation only. When completing the online application form on the BBB website prospective Members will be asked to provide the name of who originally proposed BBB to them.
Is Membership to BBB tiered?
BBB is a Freemium service. Meaning we offer a basic service free of charge, but money is charged for additional Premium features.
What's the cancellation policy?
For BBB Club Members using the ‘Freemium’ version of the app, no cancellation is required. Premium Club Members are free to cancel their subscription at any time themselves or by emailing info@thebbbook.com.
Am I going to get spammed with Partner promotion?
No. While BBB Partners are permitted to promote their products and services within the Club, we respectfully ask them to do so sparingly or if they have something new to share with the community. Notifications only come from us at BBB and we’re mindful to limit them too!